If our prediction last year was no more than hopeful supposition, this year the matter is different. The eclipsed Sun of 11th July will appear to form a grand cross with a line of 4 "stars" above it - Mercury, comet McNaught, Pollux and Castor. A little distance away, Venus will be in a close conjunction with Regulus, and the line of stars will be completed by the pairing of Saturn and Mars. The whole can be seen as a collection of 4 doubles, and the neat arrangement would not be possible without the cometary "intruder". This doubling - and the earlier involvement of Algol and the two heads of the Twins - is significant. Regrettably, the significance seems to have been foreshadowed recently by inexplicable and tragic events involving twins (also with a strong double 4 encoding).
As with comet Lulin, McNaught is the "pen" with which the celestial story is written. Again, the extraordinary arrangement is beyond coincidence. Studying the details, the reader should by now be able to decode the story. Suffice it to say that there is a warning present, together with confirmation of what had been said before.
If you're able to travel to the Pacific, to Easter Island perhaps, then this is the eclipse not to be missed.
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