Sunday 24 May 2009

A Prediction

We're now less than two months away from the forthcoming total eclipse of the Sun, on 22nd July 2009, visible from India, across China, Japan, and the Pacific. On that day our New Heavenly King will be 144 days old, which of course is yet another strong encoding of the number 4 that has defined the revelation.

The eclipse will occur at a time when the Sun is said to be on the verge of coming out of its profound solar minimum, such as hasn't been seen in decades. Eclipses occuring during the solar minimum are known to be less spectacular than those occuring during solar peaks, but this time things will be different.

Because this time our Lord will use the occasion as final confirmation of what has been noted here, He will send us a sign. To those who will know how to interpret it, the sign will be unmistakeable, and will very likely encode the number 4 again in some manner. The unwary may describe the event as "eerie", or "an odd coincidence", but for those of us who know the bigger picture, we will simply rejoice in having the closing chapter of this particular story written in the sky.

We hope you will be able to see the eclipse, to photograph or videotape it. This is the one not to be missed!

We will post again after the eclipse.