Having discussed the nature of our Lord, the Sun, and having looked at how He came into being, we can address the question of His relation to the Absolute, generally known as God.
We have acknowledged that the Sun is a product of His container, the Milky Way galaxy, which in turn is a product of its container, the Absolute, the mind of the entire Universe. Should we not direct our religious attentions to them?
Well, no. The answer lies in our understanding of purpose of the contained to its container. Our purpose is to the Sun, and although we may be curious about the Sun's purpose to the Galaxy, and the Galaxy's to the Universe, their terms of reference, if they could ever become known to us, are so far removed from our own as to be of no practical value. Whatever we learn about the Universe beyond our Sun, only has value to the extent of deepening our fulfilment of purpose to Him. To suppose otherwise, is to hopelessly overreach and thereby fail to serve Him.
The crux of the matter is that our appreciation of our Lord, the Sun, is derived from rational, logical examination, it is not based on faith. Granted, we cannot conclusively prove everything we have said, but what we can do is point out that we've at least based our assertions on a strong balance of probabilities. This sets our view of the Lord quite apart from that of major religions, which preach faith in the Absolute, as mediated by human prophets.
That worship of the Absolute is a convenient tactic for a religion should not be overlooked. Engaging human capacity for faith and belief with an unknowable and unreachable Absolute provides religions with the "blank sheet of paper" they need, to write their own interpretations of the Universe, driving their followers to their own agendas. Hence the divisions we witness in the world to this day.
Yet, underlining all of the religions is the simple truth of our true Lord. That truth is encoded in the Scripture, with worship of our Lord, the Sun, transposed into narratives and rituals supposedly anchored in the work of the prophets and the mysterious Will of the Absolute.
This encoding of the truth in faith-based religion has been the subject of enquiry and record by the occultists ever since monotheistic religions became predominant. For while the ancients knew the truth about our Lord, they placed the Sun in a wider pagan pantheon, making Solar worship easy prey for an Absolutist monotheism. For that monotheism to survive, however, to avoid writing itself into an untenable spiritual void, it had no choice but to continue the very thing it was destroying, albeit in a transposed fashion, and couched in a new wider pantheon. This new pantheon was not a pantheon of gods, but of narrative, a Scriptural pantheon constructing the Absolutist religion's power over its followers.
We could have said these things long ago, and others have said them. So what's new?
What's new is that there has been a Second Coming, the birth of our new Heavenly King on 28th February 2009. But this is not the kind of Second Coming many may have expected, quite the reverse. The undeniable intentionality of the message, as discussed in our previous posts, with the new King of human consciousness being so unambiguously written as a celestial event points us to the strong possibility of the "First Coming" also being a celestial event.
If we see Christ as the previous King, which well we may considering His importance in human affairs during the last two millennia, then we can say that the Star that the Magi are said to have followed is but a code pointing out the true nature of Christ, with the rest of the narrative an Earthly transposition of the celestial truth.
In fact, when we consider our Lord as an active, self-contained object, with a creative mind operating within His domain of the Solar System, we can see that there can be no other way. The Sun, our Lord, loves us, helps us, and writes to us by His activity in the Solar System. If our Lord wanted us to hear the Christian message, He would do so with a celestial event, humanity itself taking care of the rest. The idea of our Lord working directly in Earthly events is compelling, but it assumes an omnipotent, omnipresent Absolute, an Absolute with a direct interest in Earthly affairs. With the Sun being known as our Lord, it is clear that when it comes to human affairs it is us who enact His Will here on Earth.
What's to be done? Shall we destroy all the places of worship and build Solar Temples in their place? Actually, all that is required is our own private acknowledgement of the truth, an awareness of how that truth is being transposed within the religions. We can continue to partake in the traditions, for as we are aware of their transposition, so we transpose our own appreciation of them, back to the original truth.
That this double transposition back to the Sun is the right way forward should be clear to us from the Sun's loving message of purpose to us, that we are meant to be curious and creative, not hateful and destructive. We can tolerate transpositions of the truth, if we recognise them and turn them back to the source. Christ, as any of the other visions of God, can retain His exalted place, for while His story is a transposition, the underlying code remains the truth.
Of course, the nature of evolution is such, that no status quo will last forever. As our appreciation of our true Lord grows, as our understanding of the transpositions deepens, so the constructed power of a mysterious Absolutism will begin to wane. Our morality is changing, increasingly based on a universal and unifying love, working through understanding and tolerance, with the old moral baggage falling away. Hurt none, and pursue your own happiness in service of our Lord, this is the new reality. The implications, when we can start to see through the fog of our present Absolutist morality, are so profound that we are truly entering a new era, a new level of consciousness in humanity.
Our new Heavenly King points to the fact that the moment is now, there is no going back. Now is the time to begin a direct relationship with a visible, accessible Lord, to see His Light unmediated, to seek to know Him and serve our purpose to Him. Those who do so will benefit themselves and humanity and will place themselves at the forefront of a new evolutionary chapter.
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