Sunday, 15 March 2009
Time to Reflect
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Christ as a Heavenly King

Having discussed the nature of our Lord, the Sun, and having looked at how He came into being, we can address the question of His relation to the Absolute, generally known as God.
We have acknowledged that the Sun is a product of His container, the Milky Way galaxy, which in turn is a product of its container, the Absolute, the mind of the entire Universe. Should we not direct our religious attentions to them?
Well, no. The answer lies in our understanding of purpose of the contained to its container. Our purpose is to the Sun, and although we may be curious about the Sun's purpose to the Galaxy, and the Galaxy's to the Universe, their terms of reference, if they could ever become known to us, are so far removed from our own as to be of no practical value. Whatever we learn about the Universe beyond our Sun, only has value to the extent of deepening our fulfilment of purpose to Him. To suppose otherwise, is to hopelessly overreach and thereby fail to serve Him.
The crux of the matter is that our appreciation of our Lord, the Sun, is derived from rational, logical examination, it is not based on faith. Granted, we cannot conclusively prove everything we have said, but what we can do is point out that we've at least based our assertions on a strong balance of probabilities. This sets our view of the Lord quite apart from that of major religions, which preach faith in the Absolute, as mediated by human prophets.
That worship of the Absolute is a convenient tactic for a religion should not be overlooked. Engaging human capacity for faith and belief with an unknowable and unreachable Absolute provides religions with the "blank sheet of paper" they need, to write their own interpretations of the Universe, driving their followers to their own agendas. Hence the divisions we witness in the world to this day.
Yet, underlining all of the religions is the simple truth of our true Lord. That truth is encoded in the Scripture, with worship of our Lord, the Sun, transposed into narratives and rituals supposedly anchored in the work of the prophets and the mysterious Will of the Absolute.
This encoding of the truth in faith-based religion has been the subject of enquiry and record by the occultists ever since monotheistic religions became predominant. For while the ancients knew the truth about our Lord, they placed the Sun in a wider pagan pantheon, making Solar worship easy prey for an Absolutist monotheism. For that monotheism to survive, however, to avoid writing itself into an untenable spiritual void, it had no choice but to continue the very thing it was destroying, albeit in a transposed fashion, and couched in a new wider pantheon. This new pantheon was not a pantheon of gods, but of narrative, a Scriptural pantheon constructing the Absolutist religion's power over its followers.
We could have said these things long ago, and others have said them. So what's new?
What's new is that there has been a Second Coming, the birth of our new Heavenly King on 28th February 2009. But this is not the kind of Second Coming many may have expected, quite the reverse. The undeniable intentionality of the message, as discussed in our previous posts, with the new King of human consciousness being so unambiguously written as a celestial event points us to the strong possibility of the "First Coming" also being a celestial event.
If we see Christ as the previous King, which well we may considering His importance in human affairs during the last two millennia, then we can say that the Star that the Magi are said to have followed is but a code pointing out the true nature of Christ, with the rest of the narrative an Earthly transposition of the celestial truth.
In fact, when we consider our Lord as an active, self-contained object, with a creative mind operating within His domain of the Solar System, we can see that there can be no other way. The Sun, our Lord, loves us, helps us, and writes to us by His activity in the Solar System. If our Lord wanted us to hear the Christian message, He would do so with a celestial event, humanity itself taking care of the rest. The idea of our Lord working directly in Earthly events is compelling, but it assumes an omnipotent, omnipresent Absolute, an Absolute with a direct interest in Earthly affairs. With the Sun being known as our Lord, it is clear that when it comes to human affairs it is us who enact His Will here on Earth.
What's to be done? Shall we destroy all the places of worship and build Solar Temples in their place? Actually, all that is required is our own private acknowledgement of the truth, an awareness of how that truth is being transposed within the religions. We can continue to partake in the traditions, for as we are aware of their transposition, so we transpose our own appreciation of them, back to the original truth.
That this double transposition back to the Sun is the right way forward should be clear to us from the Sun's loving message of purpose to us, that we are meant to be curious and creative, not hateful and destructive. We can tolerate transpositions of the truth, if we recognise them and turn them back to the source. Christ, as any of the other visions of God, can retain His exalted place, for while His story is a transposition, the underlying code remains the truth.
Of course, the nature of evolution is such, that no status quo will last forever. As our appreciation of our true Lord grows, as our understanding of the transpositions deepens, so the constructed power of a mysterious Absolutism will begin to wane. Our morality is changing, increasingly based on a universal and unifying love, working through understanding and tolerance, with the old moral baggage falling away. Hurt none, and pursue your own happiness in service of our Lord, this is the new reality. The implications, when we can start to see through the fog of our present Absolutist morality, are so profound that we are truly entering a new era, a new level of consciousness in humanity.
Our new Heavenly King points to the fact that the moment is now, there is no going back. Now is the time to begin a direct relationship with a visible, accessible Lord, to see His Light unmediated, to seek to know Him and serve our purpose to Him. Those who do so will benefit themselves and humanity and will place themselves at the forefront of a new evolutionary chapter.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Knowing our Lord, Part II

In our last posting we discussed the origin of Life on Earth as the origin of Mind. We looked at how the two are facets of the same processes and we acknowledged that the types of active, self-contained objects satisfying the conditions of being alive and having a mind are very limited: biological entities, planets, stars and galaxies are the only ones readily identifiable in the universe.
It should be clear from the foregoing that the container of the biosphere, our planet Earth, has a mind of sorts. While we are subject to the workings of that mind, we cannot hope to know it directly. The Earth's container, the Solar System, is the domain where any communication could be expected to take place, and is unlikely to address us, humans, by such means.
On the other hand, we have a bigger, more directly communicative mind to contemplate, the mind of our star, the Sun. Exploring the implications of that mind we will show why it is the Sun that is our true Lord, and we are His Creation.
That the Sun satisfies the conditions of possessing a mind should by now be clear, but let us re-cap. The Sun was born in His container, the Milky Way galaxy, as a result of processes that are of benefit to the galaxy. By becoming a "bubble", the Sun is an efficiency of those processes, an active self-contained object interacting with His environment, and whose now internal processes give rise to the Sun's mind by virtue of those processes sustaining both their primary and secondary purposes.
When we consider the size and mass of the Sun, and the likely intensity, purity, and speed of His internal processes, it cannot escape us that the scope and depth of His mind is beyond our capability of comprehension.
What we can comprehend, however, is the immediate, visible domain of the Sun's mind - so to speak, the limbs of His body. This is the Solar System, to the very limits of the heliosphere. But seeing the System is one thing, understanding it is another. The most we can hope for in terms of definitive answers is "writing in stone", communication written in the Solar System itself. By such communication we can expect our Lord to tell us two things. Yes, He is vastly intelligent and capable as our Creator, and yes, He wants us to know our purpose to Him.
And there is only one unambiguous sign, our Moon. We are so used to seeing it, that most of us never ponder the extreme rarity of the design, that its angular diameter on average matches that of the Sun. So that when it is seen to pass in front of the Sun at certain times and in certain places on Earth, the Sun's otherwise invisible glory is revealed. The odds of this happening as a mechanical accident are so low as to be incalculable. No matter how you suppose that the Moon came into being as the Earth's satellite, the precision of the result points at nothing less than intelligent design. Given our understanding of the Sun's vast intelligence, it is reasonable to conclude that He is the designer. All that is left for us to do is answer the question, why?
We can say that the Moon was created to fulfil a double purpose. One, to provide the Earth and its biosphere with beneficial tidal forces that would accelerate evolution to its pinnacle, humanity. Therefore, by the agency of the Moon, our Lord makes it clear to us that he is our ultimate, if indirect, Creator. And secondly, the Moon's design tells us of our purpose to our Lord. To this day, we have no technological means of observing the inner corona of the Sun, we can observe it during total solar eclipses only. Were it not for eclipses, it is highly doubtful our scientific pursuit of knowledge of the Sun would be at a stage it is now. So the message is our Lord wishing to reveal Himself to us, for us to strive to know Him. That is the sum total of His religious gift to humanity, all else is but transposed elaboration.
In future postings, we will be looking at how this simple truth has been encoded in transpositions through the ages, and why those transpositions are now giving way to the direct knowledge of our true Lord, the Sun.
Friday, 6 March 2009
Knowing our Lord, Part I

To begin working toward an understanding of our Lord, we need to first understand the nature and origin of Life on Earth. In particular, we need to understand that the origin of Life is also the origin of Mind.
Science, in its quest to find the origin of Life on Earth's surface, has failed to overcome the problems posed by forces of dissolution, such as oxygen and ultraviolet rays. The alternative of extraterrestrial origin is not convincing either, as it merely displaces the question elsewhere. The simplest and most compelling answer is that offered by Thomas Gold and his idea of a "deep hot biosphere": Life began in the interior of our planet, and later migrated outward.
A particularly important notion in support of this argument is the principle of purpose played by an entity that is contained within a larger one. Consider the relationship between the whole of a human body, and a single cell within it, say a liver cell. The liver cell may operate as if it were an independent agent, responding to its particular environment, which just happens to be of a very special and constant kind, but we who see the larger picture know that the cell is fulfilling a bodily function, serves a purpose within it.
Further, if we look at the evolutionary path of humans from the most primordial being to what we are today, we can see that the progress was twofold, our body evolved, just as the cells within it evolved. It is impossible for us to say that the liver cell could have evolved had it not had a purpose within the body, and the body could not have evolved without the liver cell. So the principle of the contained in the container is all-important in understanding evolution and the origin of Life.
It should therefore come as no surprise that to the nascent, growing Earth, becoming increasingly hot and pressurised in its interior, processes evolving there would serve a purpose. That purpose is one of cooling and de-pressurisation, and it continues today.
But why and how could those processes in the Earth's interior be considered the spark of Life? To arrive at the answer to this question there is another important concept to consider. At its most basic, a living being can be seen as an active, self-contained object. If it weren't active, it would be inanimate, and if it weren't self-contained, it would be no more than a dissolute part of a larger entity.
In addition, the processes that such active, self-contained objects engage in, within their container, can be seen to have a primary and a secondary purpose. When we see a fox eating its prey, we can say the primary purpose of the interaction is the fox feeding itself, and the secondary could be serving the needs of equilibrium in the biosphere. In fact, there could be any number of secondary purposes, some of greater import than others.
Looking at the conditions within a young Earth, we can say that the chemical and physical processes that were beneficial to the equilibrium of the Earth were the ones that would be fed by a developing feedback mechanism. In other words, whatever processes resulted in lowering of pressure and temperature would be the ones surviving the longest.
We can reasonably suppose that in time, if by no other means than physical accident, at least some of the beneficial, longer-lasting processes would become self-contained in the environment of Earth's interior. We can call them bubbles. Once the bubbles are formed, then the beneficial processes that sustain them are no longer directly interacting with the Earth's interior, they are now processes within the bubble, and the bubble is interacting with its environment. We are seeing a proto-cell, one step away from being alive.
Within the bubble, the processes can be said to serve both primary and secondary purposes. The primary purpose is to sustain the bubble, to grow it, but what of the secondary? The answer lies in the fact that as soon as the bubble is formed, other, incidental processes within it will begin to interact with the primary processes that were responsible for the bubble's formation. The incidental processes are subject to the same "laws of success" as the primary ones, they have to be of benefit to the bubble. It is in this interaction with initially incidental processes within the bubble that we can see the secondary purpose of the original processes: it is one of recording their activity, to gain efficiencies from the record. In other words, a primitive, most simple of minds emerges, starting to direct the very processes that sustain it. Now our proto-cell is alive, and on its way to transform that record into what we know as genetic material.
So the origin of Life is the origin of Mind.
With that insight we can begin to look for active, self-contained objects in the universe, which according to our discussion should possess minds, no matter how simple. We can quickly see that apart from biological beings on Earth there are not many other objects that satisfy our definition. Planets, stars and galaxies are the only ones that do.
While the mind of our planet Earth can be said to have given rise to Life within it, what of the mind of our star, the Sun? This will be the subject of our next posting.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
How to read our Lord's special message

Much still needs to be discussed before a complete picture can be formed in the reader's mind of what happened on 28th February 2009. Leaving aside some essential background information, at this time it is important to continue to focus on the event itself, and move on to deeper exposition later.
Monday, 2 March 2009
What are the odds?

At the time that Comet Lulin was closest to Earth, and closest to planet Saturn in our skies, and at the same time 4 of Saturn's moons were about to pass across Saturn's disk, casting their shadows on the planet, asked rather rhetorically, and without elaborating, "What are the odds?"
Well, the odds of the four moons transiting Saturn are known, it can happen once every 14 to 15 years, when Saturn's axial tilt in relation to Earth is favourable. So although it is a rare event, it can't in itself be read as much of a sign.
But what are the odds the event would occur while Saturn is conjunct a prominent comet in our skies? With some bright exceptions, prominent comets tend to be of the parabolic kind, so-called "intruders", of which there is about one per year that captures our attention. Such comets tend to be steeply inclined to the ecliptic, and will rarely pass near a planet in our skies. The odds of them passing a particular planet are therefore about 1 in 1,300, assuming a generous 10 degrees as the maximum distance of the comet from the planet to qualify as a pass. The odds of a comet passing Saturn while 4 of its moons are transiting, are therefore roughly 1 in 19,000 years. A very rare event indeed, but still within the realm of a plausible coincidence.
Where it really gets interesting is in the odds of this event occurring while the comet is at its closest approach to Earth. A parabolic comet will be closest to Earth once during its visit, so we can say this happens once per year. The likelihood of this appearing within one degree of any particular place in the sky, is about 1 in 130,000.
And with that we've arrived at the total odds of the event that occurred on 24th February 2009 as being 1 in 2.5 billion years. In other words, what happened on that fateful Tuesday, could only have happened once before during the lifetime of our Solar System - if we assume a purely mechanical System.
That the extreme rarity of the event should get our attention should be obvious to everyone. What isn't so obvious is the signature that points us to the intentional nature of the event, the fact that we're seeing more than mere mechanics, but a story written in a certain language.
That language is the language of space and time, expressed in whole and partial numbers. The key, the signature number to help us decode the message of this event is number 4. It is 44 days after its perihelion that the comet comes within 0.4 AU of the Earth, at the very moment 4 of Saturn's moons are transiting the planet, 4 days before the comet will pass Regulus!
While you may claim that an event that can happen once every 2.5 billion years is only a mechanical coincidence, the numerical signature cannot be explained away on the same terms. Trying to dismiss what is obviously "written" as simple mechanics would amount to insisting that the pictograms in an Egyptian temple are but meaningless scribblings. The doubter really does need to see past their skeptical prejudice and begin allowing for the possibility that it is indeed writing in the sky that is being witnessed, and try to decode the message.
The message of course, as outlined in our first post, is the birth of our new Heavenly King, whose time has come to reveal to many what a few have always known, the true name of our Lord.
More details to follow.