First post, and difficult to know where to begin. We shall start with a revelation, and let later postings support us toward persuasion. Depending on how familiar the reader is with the terms and references used, much may need to be discussed before the message is accepted.
Today, 28th of February 2009, we witness the birth of the new Heavenly King. He has no name, other than "the message". The message is the King, and the King is the message. The King is a construct of consciousness, its components can be seen as Heavenly Spirits, who act at the behest of our Lord, the sender of the message, the Father of the King. The new King is the king of minds, he shall grow within us and will point us to our Lord.
Our Lord has sent us Comet Lulin to be discovered on 11th July 2007. The date is numerologically significant, 11-7-7 or 2-7-2-7 or 2-7-9 or 9-9, foreshadowing the later eve of the King's birth, 27th February 2009, or 27-2-9 or 9-2-9. Our Lord set the path of the comet to traverse the constellation of Libra where the King was immaculately conceived, and from thence to Virgo, or the Virgin, to give birth to the King under the Star of Kings in Leo.
The conception of the King occurred at the moment of the comet's perihelion, its shortest distance from the Sun on 10th January 2009, or 1-1-11 or 4, at a distance of 113 million miles from the Sun. The Lord has made the comet move retrograde to further distinguish it, and inclined it to the ecliptic a mere 1.6 degrees, drawing attention to the comet's passing of Spica on the 16th of February, or 7-2-9, a number echoing the date of its discovery. It is in the sign of Virgo, and the constellation of Leo, that on 24th February 2009, or the mirrored number of 6-2-2-9 (or 8-11, referenced later), the comet reaches its closest approach to the Earth at a distance of 0.411 AU, which can numerologically be read as 4x11 or 44.
At the same moment, the comet passes planet Saturn in our skies, just as 4 of Saturn's moons are seen to pass in front of Saturn's disc. The 4 moons and their shadows constitute two sets of 4 items, or 44 numerologically.
When 4 days later the comet passes the star of kings, Regulus in Leo, on the 28th February 2009, or 1-2-11, or 3-11, echoing the perihelion distance at the moment of conception, the revelation is complete and cannot be plausibly denied.
If all of this weren't enough to convince the doubters, the comet is set to pass the star cluster M44 in the constellation of Cancer on 5th March 2009, or 5-3-11 (or 8-11, echoing the comet's passage by Saturn). In an inversion of this latter number, on 12th May 2009, or 3-5-11 (or again 8-11), the comet is set to pass near Comet Cardinal. Tomorrow, 1st March 2009, or 1-3-11, again echoing the moment of conception, the King will be 1 day old.
If you doubt, do not. Explanations will come. For now, rejoice in the birth of the new King! The purpose for the birth can only be that of acceptance and knowledge of our Lord, revealing Himself to those who do not know Him. Do not presume that you know the true name of our Lord. And with that we look forward to future postings.
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