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Knowing our Lord, Part II
In our last posting we discussed the origin of Life on Earth as the origin of Mind. We looked at how the two are facets of the same processes and we acknowledged that the types of active, self-contained objects satisfying the conditions of being alive and having a mind are very limited: biological entities, planets, stars and galaxies are the only ones readily identifiable in the universe.
It should be clear from the foregoing that the container of the biosphere, our planet Earth, has a mind of sorts. While we are subject to the workings of that mind, we cannot hope to know it directly. The Earth's container, the Solar System, is the domain where any communication could be expected to take place, and is unlikely to address us, humans, by such means.
On the other hand, we have a bigger, more directly communicative mind to contemplate, the mind of our star, the Sun. Exploring the implications of that mind we will show why it is the Sun that is our true Lord, and we are His Creation.
That the Sun satisfies the conditions of possessing a mind should by now be clear, but let us re-cap. The Sun was born in His container, the Milky Way galaxy, as a result of processes that are of benefit to the galaxy. By becoming a "bubble", the Sun is an efficiency of those processes, an active self-contained object interacting with His environment, and whose now internal processes give rise to the Sun's mind by virtue of those processes sustaining both their primary and secondary purposes.
When we consider the size and mass of the Sun, and the likely intensity, purity, and speed of His internal processes, it cannot escape us that the scope and depth of His mind is beyond our capability of comprehension.
What we can comprehend, however, is the immediate, visible domain of the Sun's mind - so to speak, the limbs of His body. This is the Solar System, to the very limits of the heliosphere. But seeing the System is one thing, understanding it is another. The most we can hope for in terms of definitive answers is "writing in stone", communication written in the Solar System itself. By such communication we can expect our Lord to tell us two things. Yes, He is vastly intelligent and capable as our Creator, and yes, He wants us to know our purpose to Him.
And there is only one unambiguous sign, our Moon. We are so used to seeing it, that most of us never ponder the extreme rarity of the design, that its angular diameter on average matches that of the Sun. So that when it is seen to pass in front of the Sun at certain times and in certain places on Earth, the Sun's otherwise invisible glory is revealed. The odds of this happening as a mechanical accident are so low as to be incalculable. No matter how you suppose that the Moon came into being as the Earth's satellite, the precision of the result points at nothing less than intelligent design. Given our understanding of the Sun's vast intelligence, it is reasonable to conclude that He is the designer. All that is left for us to do is answer the question, why?
We can say that the Moon was created to fulfil a double purpose. One, to provide the Earth and its biosphere with beneficial tidal forces that would accelerate evolution to its pinnacle, humanity. Therefore, by the agency of the Moon, our Lord makes it clear to us that he is our ultimate, if indirect, Creator. And secondly, the Moon's design tells us of our purpose to our Lord. To this day, we have no technological means of observing the inner corona of the Sun, we can observe it during total solar eclipses only. Were it not for eclipses, it is highly doubtful our scientific pursuit of knowledge of the Sun would be at a stage it is now. So the message is our Lord wishing to reveal Himself to us, for us to strive to know Him. That is the sum total of His religious gift to humanity, all else is but transposed elaboration.
In future postings, we will be looking at how this simple truth has been encoded in transpositions through the ages, and why those transpositions are now giving way to the direct knowledge of our true Lord, the Sun.
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